提起小巴你會想起什麼呢?A Mini Bus or a Race Car?

By 我港_KONGCEPT | 2021-05-03 | 香港本土


“前面巴士站有落!” 說時遲,那時快,小巴已駛過了巴士站,於是小巴司機停了在馬路中心開門讓我下車,下車時他還責罵我說 "下次早啲出聲啦!"。事實上巴士站與上一個車站相距只有10秒的車程。


1967年香港發生暴動,巴士司機罷工,部分路綫因而暫停服務,交通癱瘓,政府被逼 容許小巴進入市區。後來其座位由9座變成14座,正式被大眾命名為小巴。最後,有傳政府為了”報答”小巴司機們,在1970年推出白牌車合法化政策,由政府發牌,可以在香港、九龍及新界各地行走,即現時的紅色小巴。4,350輛小巴的限制亦是於當年制定,多年來並無改變。

The Unique HK Transport/
Enlighten me, where else can you find transportation that operates like the Minibus in HK? Minibus is the third largest transportation in terms of number of daily passengers, following the MTR and bus, with around 1.8 million passengers.

The Hero in the 1967 Riot/
The history of minibus can trace back to the 1950s. During that period, a type of gypsy cab traveled around New Territories and provided local residents a more efficient traveling channel. However, because of its illegal operation, police kept raiding this business. Until the 1967 riot in HK, bus drivers went on a strike and caused the suspension of many routes, traffic was paralyzed. This situation compelled the HK government to temporarily allow the operation of gypsy cabs, allowing them to enter the Kowloon area for service. Eventually, the seats changed from 9 to 14 named by the public as minibus. And in 1970, the HK government introduced a legalization policy for those gypsy cabs and issued them licenses as permission of their operation in all districts of HK, and that is the Red Minibus. There was a rumour that the policy was introduced as a ”repayment” for the help in the 1967 riot. The limit of 4,350 minibuses was also established in the same year and has not changed over the years.

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llustration by: @donfo.lio



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