【英語應用】dress 的用法

By Ian Sir | 2020-01-09 | 語言

dress 用作名詞時指「裙子」,這個大家都懂。但用作動詞時的意思與用法你又懂得嗎?


1. 「換衫」的意思 = dress / get dressed 

例:I must dress / get dressed for the party now.

注意 1:dress 亦可以配上副詞形容某人的衣著風格,例如:dress casually(休閑打扮)

注意 2 : dress + 人 ,解作「協助某人換衫」,例如:Jamie dresses the children every morning.


2.  悉心打扮,通常是因為配合某些節日、娛樂或者擁有特別意義的活動而悉心打扮,例如穿上帶有節日色彩的服飾、面具等:

be dressed in + 擁有象徵意義的顏色,例如: Jamie dressed in black for the funeral.  

dressed up in + 特別服飾,例如:Jamie dressed up in a Halloween costume for the party. 


3.  刻意打扮成某一類人士 = dress as 

例如:Jamie likes to dress as a girl. 


4.  誇張打扮並模仿某知名人士 = dress up as

例如:Jamie dressed up as Lady Gaga.


5.  穿上與自己真實身份不符的服裝 = dress like 

例如:Jamie was not a singer but he dressed like one.



1. The baby knows how to __________ himself. 

2. The silly boy __________ a gay person to meet girls in the bar last night.

3. The theme of the party was 'love' so Jamie __________ red.


Ian Sir

